For the 2024 Season, all Full Season Ticket Holders will receive an initial allotment between 1500 - 3000 points. This year’s version of the Astros Rewards Program resembles typical rewards programs where points can be earned in different ways and then redeemed for items or experiences in the point store that will be available all season long. Points expire on September 20th and do not roll over to the next season. You can access the Astros Points Store through the MLB Ballpark app. Simply click the link below from your cell phone or follow these steps:
Open your Ballpark app on your smartphone
Click the Astros icon on the bottom navigation
Scroll down to the orange “Season Ticket Holder Headquarters” tile
Click “Astros STH Rewards”
Ways to Earn Points:
Ticket Usage - The easiest way for you to earn points this season is to attend the games in your full-season package. This does include any tickets listed on sale for SEAT GEEK, other resell sites, or tickets forwarded to friends and family. (Max. 500 points per month)
STH Events - Each month we will have STH events. Redeem your vouchers and scan in at events to receive 250 bonus points.
Add-On Tickets - 10% of each ticket purchase made in excess of your package (single game, group tickets, suites, etc.) will be added on to your account. (Max. 500 pts per month)
Renewal Gift - If you select the rewards points as your renewal gift, you will receive DOUBLE your initial allotment on or around May 1st.
Items to Claim*:
Exclusive STH Bobbleheads
Autographed Memorabilia
Batting Practice Passes
Gallagher Club Passes
STH Exclusive Events
Replica Jerseys
Replica Rings
Be recognized on-field before the game with STH Spotlight
NEW for 2024
FaceTime with players and broadcast team members via SuperQuickQuestion!
*Inventory varies by game/event. If you redeem your points for Batting Practice Passes and the Astros do not take BP, you will receive a refund of your points.

We Want your Feedback
Like always, please reach out to your representative if you have any concerns or questions about the program.