Exchange your tickets for a future game via our Ticket Exchange program which is exclusive to Season Ticket Holders. Exchange will go live on March 18th.
Click the orange button below to access the ticket exchange platform. Once redirected, please log in using your Astros MyTickets credentials. You can exchange future games in your package 3 days in advance. You can obtain additional tickets for select future games then invite your friends and family to cheer on the Astros with you! Colors designate the price level of each game.
PLEASE NOTE – Any credits accrued by using the exchange program will need to be used for additional ticket exchanges within the 2024 season. All exchange credits will EXPIRE at the end of September 2024. Exchange credits may not be used for any single game, group, or suite purchase, nor may the credit be used for Postseason tickets or for 2025 renewal.
Blackout games are not eligible to be exchanged into. Due to inventory constraints, additional games are subject to blackout throughout the season. Unused past game tickets are not available to exchange. Some exclusions apply.